HEY APATHY! So I've started posting pages of the online comic at www.twitter.com/onlinecomicbook. In the blog I'll post detailed accounts and essays about the pages. I'm a little behind as the comic is on page four already,but here it goes anyways...
HEY APATHY! ONLINE COMIC PAGE ONE: This is the opening scene of the comic, starting from a bird's eye view, the city reveals itself as a giant gear propelled by never-ending crowds of faceless people. This is the city of graves, apparently hopeless and completely surrounded by commuting inhabitants residing in uniform boxes. Psychic screams begin to cry out, calling us to the metropolis. The strange MONSTERS which reside in the unconscious act as sirens of the city.
I started work on these cityscape drawings in Dec. 2000. I had been creating short horror comics for a while already but decided to shift my attention towards real life (did you know there is a brown spot in the ocean bigger than some countries made of garbage?) . The series was divided between two stories, one of the city controlled by an illusion of conformity, and the other visions of the apocalypse, a warning that if we didn't change our ways we would inevitably be destroyed. The initial series included six large ink drawing, and 30 or 40 smaller works. I exhibited the initial installment in the O.C.A.D. drawing & painting showcase in March 2001, and again during the year end exhibition and scholarship competition (where the drawings won second prize) in April 2001. The ink stained Monster faces were created a year later ( Feb 02) as a series of rapid left handed studies. I made over 250 of these creature, primarily on off cut mat boards I got for free from a framing store. After completing the meticulous year-long study of the city, I needed to take a completely different approach to creating the artworks and resided to short, uncontrolled, scribble tests for about 2 months
HEY APATHY! ONLINE COMIC PAGE ONE: This is the opening scene of the comic, starting from a bird's eye view, the city reveals itself as a giant gear propelled by never-ending crowds of faceless people. This is the city of graves, apparently hopeless and completely surrounded by commuting inhabitants residing in uniform boxes. Psychic screams begin to cry out, calling us to the metropolis. The strange MONSTERS which reside in the unconscious act as sirens of the city.
I started work on these cityscape drawings in Dec. 2000. I had been creating short horror comics for a while already but decided to shift my attention towards real life (did you know there is a brown spot in the ocean bigger than some countries made of garbage?) . The series was divided between two stories, one of the city controlled by an illusion of conformity, and the other visions of the apocalypse, a warning that if we didn't change our ways we would inevitably be destroyed. The initial series included six large ink drawing, and 30 or 40 smaller works. I exhibited the initial installment in the O.C.A.D. drawing & painting showcase in March 2001, and again during the year end exhibition and scholarship competition (where the drawings won second prize) in April 2001. The ink stained Monster faces were created a year later ( Feb 02) as a series of rapid left handed studies. I made over 250 of these creature, primarily on off cut mat boards I got for free from a framing store. After completing the meticulous year-long study of the city, I needed to take a completely different approach to creating the artworks and resided to short, uncontrolled, scribble tests for about 2 months
HEY APATHY! ONLINE COMIC PAGE TWO: Here we see the surrounding housing units and all the little bubble people travelling to and from nowhere. We return to the Ariel view of the city and realize that we are inside the dreams of one of the little people. The dream sky turns red and the city is blown away by a hurricane like blast...
Following the initial presentation of HEY APATHY, I resided to continue the series for the duration of one year. During this time I created over 300 8"x10" drawings depicting the commute from to and from the city. These drawings were created with fine point technical pens on my daily bus & subway rides to the Ontario College of Art & De$ign. The apocalypse drawings were created in Feb. 2001 and perpetually through out the coarse of my one year study. The completed project consisted of approximately 30 large paintings & murals, over 300 small artworks, and 3 minutes of classically drawn animations. The exhibited also feature a 4 story skyline back drop made of sewn bed sheets and hand painted cartoon clouds.
Oh yeah and this wasn;t very funny
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