Monday, March 1, 2010


HEY APATHY! Art Comics page 13. ATTACK OF THE LAUGHING BILLBOARDS. Here the little anti-hero wanders the streets of the monstrous metropolis in a exemplary stupor. The young artist has just completed his first exhibition and has become slightly inebriated by hubris. Spotting the distracted catalyst, two giant billboards prey upon his weakness and attack with a barrage of mockeries and brawling laughter. Assuming diabolical form the over-grown television commercials center out the young artist annihilating his ego and shattering his dreams...

Things are getting a bit more fun for me as far as working out the online comic is concerned. The whole "book" is sort of like a clip show of all the comics I've done over the past ten years (almost). Many of these pages have been previously published as zines or comics, but the print runs were so small the chances are the material is all new to any blog viewers. The first few pages that have already gone up were primarily from my 1st year sketchbook. Although I feel that these strips document important early stages in the development of my mythos, I am far more excited to present more recent and advanced strips. Today's post was an original page made for the comic and the artworks from here on in are pretty wild. more at

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